Ahab’s List is never-ending and always evolving. If you want to help him accomplish an item on his and/or your bucket list email us and we can start planning an adventure together!
- Ride in the Oscar Mayer Weiner Mobile
- Become a real-life pirate
Give a TEDx Talk- Go bobsledding
- Be Knighted
Commandeer Mt. Kilimanjaro (5895m) (Summited Jan 2022)- Contribute to the Mountain Gazette
- Be on a game show
Raft the Futaleufu- Road trip on a bike with a sidecar
- Explore the Son Doong Cave system in Vietnam
- Get Dolly Parton and Red Hot Chili Peppers to play together
- Be on a television show
- Meet Thomas Dambo and all of his Trolls! (5 of 100ish)
- Make a movie cameo
- Be a star in a movie
- Be part of a random fact on the Daily Show
Road trip cross countryRoad trip cross country 6 times- Road trip Rt 66
Get accepted in the Peace Corps- Complete a Peace Corps tour
- Explore Mendenhall Glacial Caves
- Make a Kiva team that lends $1000
- Dive with sharks
Be one of Jumptown’s Top 9 Jumps of the YearFly first classGo white water rafting- Get a college degree
- Speak in every state (18% Complete!)
- Go Bungee Jumping
- Go to space
Dragon Con- Speak in another country
- Go to Burning Man
Complete a Color RunHike Mt. Greylock- Have a long conversation with Joe Rogan
- Visit all 7 continents (4 Down!)
- Write a book
Write a movie script- Publish a book
Be mentioned in a bookEat a garbage plate at Steve T’sBecome a face of Mt. Rushmore- Create Ahabfest
Hot air balloon ride- Visit Antelope Canyon and The Wave, Arizona
Explore Watkins Glen, New YorkTake a boat ride undergroundTake a BulleitStare down a buffalo- Visit The National Memorial for Peace and Justice
Stop and smell the (Four) RosesFill Ahab up at Willett- Go on a date with Lady Liberty
- Visit New Zealand
Pull a mood ring out of the World’s Largest Ball of TwineNot go in Mammoth CaveExplore Mammoth Cave- Seven Wonders of the World
- Denali National Park
Visit the Lagoon of the Gnomes- Visit the Kennedy Space Center
- Isle of the Skye
Score press passes to the New York Comic-ConColor Run with a Mini- Ride a camel
- Ride an elephant
- The Texas Mile
- Visit Middle Earth
Road trip through the Upper Penninsula- Help a stranger
Ahab PEZ dispenserSee a car show in PhoenixGet a tattoo- Go to the Bermuda Triangle
- The Parthenon and Coliseum
- Find Atlantis
U2 it at Joshua Tree- Help a friend
- Walk on the Great Wall of China
Visit PatagoniaSee the Fjords of Parque PumalinVisit Costa Rica- Have our portrait painted
Make a comic seriesVisit the Bennington Monument- Participate in Monster Jam
- Build a Lego/Mega Ahab
Get a beer named after us(Payette Brewing’s Official Page)Visit ol’ friends at Mystic SeaportTake the road less traveled at Two Roads Brewery- Train as a stunt car driver
- Ride in a race car
Go deep-sea fishing- Run a triathlon
Visit 10 statesVisit 20 statesVisit 30 statesVisit 40 states- Visit all 50 states (43/50)
Taste clouds- Visit the four corners of the continental United States-
EASTSOUTHNORTH WEST Camp under the stars in ZionCommand Ol’ Faithful to erupt in YellowstoneAdmire the Tetons from a distanceHike in the Tantalus RangeVisit another country- Visit 10 countries (7 Down!)
- Visit 25 countries
- Visit 50 countries
- Visit 100 countries
Make an Ahab Jolly Roger- Forge an Ahab pirate ring
Forge an Ahab pirate dagger- Wield a pirate dagger
- Forge a pirate sword
- Wield a pirate sword
- Forge Ahab’s Silver Cup
- Drink from Blackbeard’s Silver (Skull) Cup
- Hike around Yosemite
Look over the edge of the Cliffs of MoherWatch a sunset in the Badlands- Win a boxing match
- Fly a helicopter
- Hike a 14er
- Go to the Olympics
- Ride a motorcycle
Take a bath in a waterfall- Take a ride in a combine
Jump out of a perfectly good airplane- Take a picture with a kangaroo
- Take a picture with Cy, ISU’s Mascot
Visit Uppsala SwedenVisit Hagaparken SwedenVisit Djurgarden SwedenVisit Old Town, City Hall, and The Royal Palace Stockholm Sweden- Ride a roller coaster
- Wikipedia page for us
Run up the Rockey Steps in Philly- Speak on a cruise ship
- Visit Easter Island
- Visit Machu Picchu
Trek the parks of the Finger LakesMake a Movember team that raises funds and awarenessVisit Allen’s Boots in Austin TexasBerkshire Brewing Company tour- Ice skate Rockefeller Center
- Learn to play guitar/banjo
Visit Columcille Megalith ParkCarry out what you carry in at Bushkill Falls, PALong Trail Brewery tour- Raft the Grand Canyon
- Visit the Galapagos Islands
- Watch a football match in Europe
- Attend a World Cup Match
Commandeer a cruise shipHave a chat with our nation’s leaders in D.C.Rock a Dew Tour- Ride of a submarine
- Do a Polar Plunge
- X-Games
Go to the Iowa State Fair and the butter cow- Go to a Disney Park
- Go on an Alaskan whale adventure
Throw Axes at Stumpy’s!- Camp in the Outback
- Visit the whaling museum in New Bedford, MA
- Practice with an NBA team
- Visit the South Pole
- Visit the North Pole
Fly in the Red Bull FlugtagDrink a grog at Southern Tier Brewing Company- Canoe the Kazan River
- Visit Italy, Paris, and Alaska
- Visit the Hoover Dam
- Top of Mt. Washington
Win a Dog-a-thon- Be a guest on the Tonight Show
- Be shot from a catapult
- Go inside the White House
Chase waterfalls across New York- Take a picture in front of a Hobbit hole
- Visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
- Visit Romania
- See the Northern Lights
Kiss the Blarney StoneSpend the 4th of July on the waterGo to Mount Snow, but not to ski- Sail around the world in a catamaran
- Backpack Europe
- Sail around the world
Hitchhike- Go crowd surfing
- Survive San Diego Comic-Con
- Get arrested in Bangkok
- Rob a Bank
- Snowboard Japan
- Have a party with a ball pit room
- Apprentice under a well-known writer
Find out what “The Thing” is in the SouthwestHang out in Memphis- Kayak the Zambezi
- Travel the huge malls in Japan
Marvel upon the Golden Gate BridgePass through an arch at Arches National ParkHike all of Bryce Canyon- Go big mountain skiing
- Visit the Pyramids
- Climb a volcano in Hawaii
Meet the World’s Largest Garden Gnome- Backpack Mt. Whitney
- Go Surfing
- Visit Malta
Be on the air (Radio)PeeWee’s DinosaursPhoto opp in Rancho CucamongaTwist and turn down Lombard St in San Francisco- Visit Huacachina, Peru
- Visit Iceland
- Fly in a fighter jet
- Go to Hawaii
Family reunion in the Petrified Forest of ArizonaGo zip liningClimb one of the Seven Summits- Octoberfest
- Walk the Silk Road
- Go to WrestleMania
- Sleep in a castle
- Visit Dracula’s Grave
- Be in a parade
- Drive a race car
- Attend the World Series
- Attend the Stanley Cup
- Go on a walkabout
- Sell lemonade
- Go to Germania
Explore an underground cave- Build a snow fort
- Watch a rocket launch
- Start a revolution
- Meet Rick Moranis
Interact with the exhibits at the Berkshire MuseumSponsor a beer festival- Survive Vegas
Have a sit down with BlackbeardBoston Urban Iditarod- Participate in a real Iditarod
Steal a bride to beMove to British Columbia- Release a #1 single
- Dive the Great Barrier Reef
See Jefferson’s Arch in St. LouisGet locked up on AlcatrazLearn old magic from Wizard’s Island in Crater LakeBe ice-locked out of seeing half of Glacier National ParkHave a seat in the wishing chair at Giant’s Causeway- Go to Pompeii
- Visit the Scottish Highlands
- Visit Stonehenge
Create a successful Kickstarter- Go to Venice for a piece of Morano Glass
- Complete a Vermont Brewery Passport
Speak in front of a group of over 100 peopleSpeak in front of a group of over 200 peopleSpeak in front of a group of over 300 peopleSpeak in front of a group of over 400 peopleSpeak in front of 500 people- Speak in front of 1000 people
Do as many laps as we can around PAX EASTMeet Luke SkywalkerSpeak at a Pecha Kucha EventSpeak on the Akron Civic Theatre stage- Give a TED Talk
Work at a summer campBe known by name at Magic HatBecome miniaturizedTry to understand art at MASS MoCASpend a day walking around MontrealGive 10 talksGive 50 talks- Give 100 talks
See the Grand CanyonBe in 4 states at onceLose an afternoon on Beartooth PassEnter/get kicked out/talk our way back in Niagara Falls- Visit Tibet
- Ride a Bull
Join a pirate cruiseGet lost in the Old Port of Portland, MaineExplore Rt. 2 in and around the BerkshiresHave a beer at the shipyardMeet the creator of SmartiesGo(to) South of the BorderSample all of Otter Creek BreweryBe welcomed to dozens of placesStart and end a year in Wilmington, North Carolina- Speak in Ireland
- Visit Brazil
- Go Zorbing