If a 3 foot tall, 40 pound, bright yellow, wooden fisherman/wannabe pirate captain can accomplish his goals, so can you!
For the last twenty one years, Captain Ahab and Geeg have accomplished over two hundred adventures together. We have shared our tale with thousands of individuals on the road through our travels and live presentations!
Let us share our lessons learned on those adventures with your group today!

Ahab has shared his story at:
- Corporate Events
- University and College Orientations
- High School Groups
- Team Building Workshops
We can customize our presentation to fit your needs.
Some of our topics:
- The Art of an Ice-breaker: A lawn gnome is an obvious one, but a joke, talent, or signature apparel can set you apart, leading you to new connections and expanding your network.
- Future Friends: Every friend, imaginary or not, was once a stranger. Remembering that, and experiencing firsthand how Captain Ahab opens doors, should make new beginnings that much easier.
- Play to Your Passions: My grandfather, Captain Ahab, and I have all aspired to be modern-day pirates, even though the Golden Age of Piracy ended more than 350 years ago. Through our story, I demonstrate how identifying your strengths can lead to finding the best outlets for them, even if that means circumventing the traditional route.
- How Heavy is Your Excuse?: Most people make excuses that hinder their goals. It is time to start making excuses to achieve them.
- ASK: The most important three-letter word in our language. When you start asking, instead of wondering ‘what if,’ things get done!
- Bucket Lists: Writing down your goals is the first, and most important, step!
“Geeg and Ahab’s story completely changed the dynamic of our TEDx event. The presentation received a great response from the crowd, and then afterward brought people together in a way we never expected. Geeg and Ahab had people taking pictures together, introducing each other, and starting friendships that never would have happened otherwise. This story can absolutely help those at your next event Commandeer Life.” -Sam Falleta, TEDxAkron Founder
“I love this conversation so much because Geeg is all in living this message – and he shares his story encompassing 200 adventures and making friends out of strangers everywhere he goes in large part due to Captain Ahab, the pirate-aspiring yard gnome that’s been in his family for eight decades.” -Gritty Mystic
“You stole the show with immense humor… and huge goodwill toward others… You aren’t just telling a nice story, you really are going to help change the outlooks, and maybe the choices, of people who share in a moment of your travels.” -Showgoer, Martha’s Vineyard
“I’m not going to lie – Geeg wasn’t a unanimous vote for PechaKucha Akron. Some were a little concerned about inviting a lawn gnome to present. But everyone was won over the moment he took the stage. Geeg’s story was quirky and heartwarming, leaving the audience smiling and inspired. He was one of the most talked-about presenters after the event, and none of us would hesitate to bring him back!” -Heather Roszczyk, City of Akron Office of Economic Development
“Ahab’s Adventures energized, entertained, and motivated our students. He kept an auditorium full of high school kids interested and engaged for 40 minutes. Not an easy thing to do. He inspired the kids to think about what they want out of the next four years, and more importantly, how they are going to make it happen. Teachers still refer to his talk specifically during classes and loved the follow-up list with all the things the kids identified as things they want to accomplish. We will use this list in future activities to keep the message alive.” -Jeremiah Ames, Principal, HVMHS
“Geeg never lets me get a word in!” -Captain Ahab
It was a story from a stranger that started this crazy journey, so why not let our story be the start of yours? Cheers!
In the News:
Top 10 Stories that made us Smile in 2022 – The Berkshire Eagle